Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The summer of change by Tisch Aitken

Hi, Everyone,

Well, we've been though quite in the last year and a half since Pluto, the planet of change, death, and rebirth, went into the sign of Capricorn on November 28, 2008 at the world axis, which impacts global changes. Capricorn rules institutions, government, capitalism, and authority. We have seen several changes in all of those areas on a global level. Pluto's orbit is approximately every 248 years, and the last time we had Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, we experienced the American Revolution.

Well, that was the initial impetus for global change, which began in November 2008, and it was just the beginning. To add to that, Saturn, which represents karma, the past,responsibility, foundation, and endings, went into the sign of Libra, which is the sign of partnerships and relationships. It retrograded back to the sign of Virgo, on March 26th, 2010, so Virgos are getting their final Saturn journey and are resolving any unfinished business in their lives. Saturn will retun to the sign of Libra, also at 0 degrees, which is the world axis, on July 22nd, 2010, where it will remain through October 6, 2012.

Saturn is another outer planet, which makes us asses what is important in our lives. In this respect, it is partnerships. The cardinal signs are the ones, which are really getting hit, and those are the signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, and Aries. If there are things, which are destructive, Saturn will make you end these cycles and patterns, in order to build more structure in your lives.

We experienced another monumental change this past week, when Uranus, which rules upheaval, revolt, the new, chaos, technology, and invention, and innovation, went to 0 degree of Aries, another world axis point. The last time Uranus was in the sign of Aries was from 1927 until 1934, when we experienced the Great Depression. Look at this past week as a pre-cursor to what the next 8 years hold for you. Uranus will briefly return to the sign of Pisces, which is endings, from August 15th until March 13, 2011.

One very auspicious aspect, which is heating up now is the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, and this means unexpected good fortune and abundance. Aries is the sign of new beginnings, and with Uranus, the planet of technology and advancement in this sign, we can expect great technological progress, and more empowerment for people to work for themselves. Aries is an impatient sign, and with this combination, and with Uranus in this sign, change will happen quickly. People born at the beginning of the signs of Aries, Cancer,Libra and Capricorn will feel LOTS of change with these influences, and Jupiter could help to bring unexpected, pleasant surprises for everyone.

Uranus also represents upheaval and tumult, and Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war; so, there could be escalation on a global level of that, as well. Jupiter and Uranus are going to dance together for a few months, and that helps to deflect some of the more difficult aspects we have this summer. We have 3 direct hits of it, this June 6th marks the first and is exact through June 14th in the sign of Aries. Uranus returns to the sign of Pisces on August 15th, and Jupiter returns to Pisces again on September 1st;they will be exactly conjunct from September 10th through September 24th at late degrees of Pisces, and then again from December 28th until January 10th, 2010.

We have also have two major Eclipses, which are in the works. There is a Lunar Eclipse on June 26, 2010 at 4 degrees of Capricorn, and it exactly conjoins Pluto, the planet of death and regeneration. This will be a very intense Lunar Eclipse, which in and of itself is an extra powerful new moon, especially since Pluto is involved. At this time, there will be many break ups, endings, heavy emotions, especially for the cardinal signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, and Aries. Aince, it's close to the world axis, and Uranus, which is violence and upheaval will be at the world axis, there most likely will be a lot of upheaval and more ongoing protests throughout the world. If something is not working in your life, this most likely is the time to let it go.

Following that is a total Solar Eclipse on July 11, 2010 at 19 degrees of Cancer. Solar Eclipses are a time of new beginnings, and are extra powerful new moons. This is a time to invoke and commence projects, launch things, make plans, etc. This is a great time to do the Law of Abundance, which I will enclose at the end.

One final thing to add to this is that we are going to have a T-Square, which is a difficult planetary pattern, of the outer planets all close to the cardinal and world axis. It involves Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto, and this will impact us strongly from June, 2010 until August of 2010. Again, this is a call for all of us both individually and collectively to make positive changes, as this planetary alignment will wake us all up and force us to make changes in our lives. This will be an extremely big time in all of our lives, as we've yet to experience this lineup of planets. Below are the instructions for the total Solar Eclipse on July 11, 2010 to bring positive new beginnings and abundance in your own lives, and it is a great day for breaking bad habits, whether they are people or patterns. Blessings to all of us.

-- Tisch Aitken

Take a blank check and write the date 07/11/2010. Print out your name, where it says, "Pay to the order of," and then leave the small numberic box blank. On the next line, print PAID IN FULL, and at the bottom where you normally sign your name, print THE LAW OF ABUNDANCE.