Monday, December 7, 2009

January: A Time of Re-Constructing by Tisch Aitken

HI, Everyone,

I've started to feel a bit like the "Doom and Gloom" astrologer because every time I have a newsletter, I have some more challenges to report. However, if we look at the world around us, there are extremely heavy global issues, which don't belie the astrological cycles: Simply put, we have a lot of work to do!

Since October 23rd, 2009, we have felt the challenging influence of Pluto, which is the planet of transformation, major beginnings, endings, and obsessiveness, making a challenging influence to Saturn, which is structure, capitalism, big business, responsibility, and karma. Interestingly enough, many of us are having to shed our big lifestyles, our goals for success and what they really mean, in order to transform ourselves on the individual level.

This summer, Pluto, the planet of Death and Regeneration was at the world axis, and many thought of it as "The Summer of Death" for celebrities, as there was one report after the other of another celebrity passing. This fall, it came to the individual influence, as the world axis literally impacts all of us, and many have gone through break ups, big challenges, deaths, loss, joblessness, etc. It has not been an easy time. It's a time of detoxing from many of our habits and belief systems, in order to improve the world, our culture,our lives, and literally the earth. We've abused ourselves, our resources, and our environment.

This past few months, we've been entrenched in the health care debate, and many are at strife due to political viewpoints and angry. This, too is Saturn square Pluto, as Saturn represents the government, among other things, and again at the world axis -- many are feeling it, fearing it, angered by it, etc. This Pluto/Saturn square became exact on November 8, 2009, Since then, President Obama announced on December 1, 2009 that we are sending more troops to Afghanistan, which will cost approximately 30 billion dollars, and we should be out of the war by July of 2011.

Again, this is very frightening news in the world and in America, and it's again about the re-structuring of Pluto/Saturn, but it's very daunting as Pluto and Saturn are both very intense and often malefic planets, and they can bring much destruction and death. For the first time in my years of reading on websites and phone readings, etc., I'm getting calls about the health care debate, the war, and things that matter outside of ourselves and whether or not he or she may call. Again, it's a re-structuring or our values and taking responsibility for our actions, as Saturn represents Karma.

Another thing worth mention is that Saturn, which is the planet of responsibility and hard work, went into the sign of Libra, which rules relationships and partnerships, on October 30th, where it will remain for the next two years. It leaves briefly and returns to the sign of Virgo from March 26, 2010 until July 22, 2010;but, Saturn will return to the sign of Libra in July and remain there until October 5, 2012 This emphasizes the importance of relationships -- what we give and what we receive, and the balance of the two. Librans, in particular, will feel this energy this next 3 years;but, it also impacts the other cardinal signs, which are Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn. These four signs, in particular, will go through much change this next few years.

Two other things, which are important to mention is that Mercury, which rules all things which transmit information, computers, phones, communication, and modes of transportation like cars, is going retrograde in the sign of Capricorn from December 26th until January 13th, so things could be a little off kilter during that time, items arriving late, computer and phone problems,disagreements etc. Try to do your big purchases before and after those dates.

We also have two major eclipses; The first of the two is a Lunar Eclipse at 10 degrees of Capricorn on December 31st, which also happens to be a blue moon( a second full moon in one month.) This could be a bit stormy and emotional relationship wise, as we get to the latter half of the month, and again the signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, and Aries, will feel it in particular. If things are rocky, and you really want to try to work it out, wait a bit till this cumbersome energy wanes a few weeks later. If the relationship is not meant to be, Eclipses can eclipse people out of our lives literally.

We have a Solar Eclipse on January 15th at 25 degrees of Capricorn. Capricorns and Cancers will be going through MUCH change this next two years. Solar eclipses are times of new beginnings, and it's a good time to start new business ventures, as it is in the sign which rules big business. It is an extra special new moon, so therefore take advantage and do the Law of Abundance. Below are the instructions. Use this stormy energy this next month to reassess goals and meaning in life, beyond materials and status. We all look forward to a new year of hope and new beginnings. Blessings. -- Tisch

Take a blank check and write the date 1/15/2010. Print out your name, where it says, "Pay to the order of," and then leave the small numberic box blank. On the next line, print PAID IN FULL, and at the bottom where you normally sign your name, print THE LAW OF ABUNDANCE.

Tisch Aitken

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