Monday, March 1, 2010

March begins with a bang by Tisch Aitken

Hi, Everyone,

In my last article I wrote in December, I mentioned that we were still in store for some very difficult times this year. I know we all want to know good things;but, honestly, it's also important to be prepared when things are more difficult. For instance, we're in a global financial crisis and a world crisis, in general. We've had some of the challenging outer planets at the world axis, and this will continue on and off through the next year. We need to think globally and not locally;frankly, we have no choice. We ended the year with Mars, the planet of work matters, energy, and war, retrograding in the sign of Leo on December 20th, 2009 at 19 degrees of Leo, and it will not be direct again until March 10th.

Mars retrogrades every 2 years, and it definitely slows things down, and it can be ESPECIALLY difficult when it remains in one sign, as it has in the sign of Leo. When Mars retrogrades, life slows down, matters remain unresolved, and we do not move forward. I'm sure a lot of fixed signs, especially Leo and Aquarius, as well as the other fixed signs, have felt it even more intensely;however, it affects all of us. It can slow down business, cause accidents, and it can just induce low energy, in general. I've heard a lot of people complain about loss of jobs and lack of business, etc. In January of 2010, we had the biggest auto recall in history with Toyota. Mars also rules motors, cars, and machines.

To add to this, we experienced two big eclipses soon after on 12/31 and 1/15, and this further ignited this confusing energy. People are very frightened, and I think it's important to face that fear, rather than ignore it. On January 12, 2010, which was 3 days before the powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, there was a horrendous earthquake in Haiti, and over this past weekend, there was another earthquake in Chili, albeit not on the same scale. Not to mention a tsunami alert in Hawaii. These are very daunting and frightening facts.

With mars retrograde, realize business can slow down but also realize that when it turns direct again on March 10th, this will help to give us all a big boost. There will be a new moon in the sign of Pisces, where benevolent Jupiter currently resides, on March 15th. This is a time to bring in new opportunities, focus on goals, and start new projects. The next few months are a very expansive time for water signs, i.e., Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. Jupiter brings in opportunities, expansion, and abundance, and it is currently in the sign of Pisces, who should benefit especially from this energy.

God bless everyone, who has been affected by these recent months. Pluto, the planet of change and transformation is now in the sign of Capricorn, which represents big business, institutions, and government. Since October 15th of 2008, when Lehman Brothers folded, we've seen a lot of job loss, changes in the corporate world, etc. Sadly, I cannot say that this will deter soon.

However, we are now reverting more to the values of our parents and grandparents, who did not live beyond their means, spend thousands of dollars on credit cards, which they did not in the bank;and, who did many tasks, we deflect on others, simply by themselves and for themselves. We can learn from history, and we can opt to use this as a time to re-build a world that no longer needs instant gratification, instant release of pain. Life is joyful, and it is equally painful. One can simply not experience one without the other, and unfortunately now there is rampant pain in the world. Let's use beautiful Jupiter in the compassionate sign of Pisces to forge forward and think less of ourselves and more of others. Below are the instructions for the Law of Abundance for the new moon on March 15th, which is a great day to start new projects and for new beginnings. Blessings to each and all of you.

Take a blank check and write the date 3/15/2010. Print out your name, where it says, "Pay to the order of," and then leave the small numeric box blank. On the next line, print PAID IN FULL, and at the bottom where you normally sign your name, print THE LAW OF ABUNDANCE.

-- Tisch Aitken
Available for private consultations, phone readings, parties and events

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