Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Past article from Summer of 2009 regarding Eclipses

July: Eclipse Galore

Hi, Everyone,

This is going to be an extremely pivotal summer for everyone. To begin with, we have 3 upcoming eclipses, which in itself is an aberration because generally we have two eclipses every 6 months. We start the Eclipse series in Cancer/Capricorn with a Lunar Eclipse on July 7th, 2009 at 5:21 AM EDT. This eclipse is at 15 degrees of Capricorn, and anyone with planets or angles at 15 degrees of Cardinal, i.e. Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn will feel this energy. Capricorn is the sign, which rules institutions, industry, capitalism, the government, and authority. Since Pluto, the planet of change and transformation, went into the sign of Capricorn last year, we've seen the demise of many institutional leaders and organizations. This eclipse is probably going to bring more things to light, as eclipses are very revelatory.

Look in the news and around you for unexpected break ups, new meetings,deaths, hearing from people from the past, and information becoming uncovered with the Lunar energy this next week, in particular. A Lunar eclipse occurs approximately every 6 months, and it is an EXTRA powerful Full moon, so get ready for high emotions this month and hearing about a lot of relationship issues. It happens when the earth is between the sun and the moon, and the shadow of the Earth falls on the moon. Lots of wild things happen around lunar eclipses, and you might encounter a lot of "odd" people. Also, because relationships will be a lot more high strung and on edge this next 6 weeks or so, now is not the time to bring up heavy issues or to instigate big battles because during eclipse time, people can literally be "eclipsed" from our lives.

The next Eclipse in the series is a Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees of Cancer on July 21, 2009 at 10:35 PM EDT. Look for anything in your chart, which is at a late degree of Cardinal or early degrees of fixed signs, i.e. Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus.
A Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, cutting off the light of the Sun. A Solar eclipse is always a new moon, and Solar Eclipses tend to bring in new beginnings in people's lives. Solar Eclipses are Extra powerful new moons, and they bring in hope and new beginnings for projects, relationships, and goals to which we apply ourselves. I have found in my study of Eclipses, both Lunar and Solar, that both tend to bring in endings and beginnings, as one inevitably defines the other;however, Solar Eclipses tend to bring in more of new beginnings, new opportunities, new connections. Manifest the energy as a new beginning in your life. On the Solar Eclipse, it is a great time to do the Law of Abundance. Below are the instructions:

Take a blank check and write the date 07/21/2009. Print out your name, where it says, "Pay to the order of," and then leave the small numberic box blank. On the next line, print PAID IN FULL, and at the bottom where you normally sign your name, print THE LAW OF ABUNDANCE.

Another Eclipse to add to the mix is a Lunar Eclipse at 13 degrees of Aquarius, which falls on August 5, 2009 at 5:39 EDT. Lunar Eclipses tend to be more emotional and are Libran in nature, in that they are relationship oriented. A lot of Aquarians and Leos, as well as the other fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio, might find that emotional issues in relationships reach an apex in August/September. Many of the other signs will feel it, as well. Again, it's not a time to bring up big confrontations, but if things have not been working for a while or things are imbalanced, Eclipses shake things up and open our eyes. Good things can come to completion and fruition during Lunar Eclipses, as well;but, it's always very busy energy.

One final and major thing to add to the mix is that Pluto, which is the planet of death and regeneration is returning to the world axis of 0 degree of Capricorn on August 6th, right in the wake of the Lunar Eclipse. The world axis involves global issues and famous people. Currently, Pluto is only a degree away, and the news is focused on the tragic death of Michael Jackson, an International Pop icon, as well as the news that Bernie Madoff received 150 years for his sociopathic misuse of Capitalism, at its worst.

Pluto will be at this axis until the end of October, and more fraud and financial issues could surface during this time;however, Pluto is the cosmic composte, which eliminates in order to transcend. Currently, we're eliminating years of toxicity in the Capitalist system and in in our own lives. Major issues and events have also occurred recently in Iran and Honduras, so there could be other major International events this next few months. Good luck and blessings to all.

-- Tisch Aitken

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